Make a 1x $14.98 payment and get INSTANT ACCESS for life to all THREE Guides.” If you don’t love them after 7 days, get a full refund with no questions asked. Save $254 NOW!

Facebook’s All-New Conversation Starting (Feature) Guide:
- How to send messages to anyone commenting on your Facebook Page’s posts
- Directly Into Facebook Messenger…AUTOMATICALLY
- Without Ever Needing To Send A Facebook Friend Request
- And then message them again one-on-one anytime
- Follow our detailed video case study
- With 11-point “How-To” Checklist
- And see exactly how to get 20+ all-new leads conversation in a single day
- All from a single Facebook post
- For 22¢ each
- 100% Newbie Friendly
Direct Seller, Monica McGahey, “It was so easy to set up. I only wish I had known about this sooner!”
The ULTIMATE CONVERSION GUIDE training contains all of the following:
- Copy and paste email or Facebook Messenger scripts
- 12 questions that have leads closing themselves
- How to overcome the all-important pricing objections
- What to say, in the exact order, from the initial communication
- How “assuming the sale” works so well
- How to have leads sell themselves on YOU
- How to have leads conclude how important this opportunity would be in their lives
- How to paint a picture of support that they could never match
- How to actually close the sale!
Direct Seller, Amanda Howland, “By the time they get through this process and are told the price, they say…WHAT? THAT’S IT?”
The ULTIMATE FACEBOOK PROSPECTING GUIDE training contains all of the following:
- What creates a successful social media prospecting foundation.
- How social media prospecting works.
- Social media etiquette best practices.
- The Top 10 ways to get ready to prospect on any social network.
- Facebook prospecting strategies for business pages, personal profiles, groups, posts, events, photos, videos and more.
- How to engage with new prospects that sends them an automatic email notification from Facebook.
- How to stay out of Facebook jail.
- The top secrets for prospecting in short bursts of time.
The two courses are valued at $169, but available now as a one-time payment of just $14.98. This is a special, pre-training offer available just on this page and for today only!
Make a 1x $14.98 payment and get INSTANT ACCESS for life to all THREE Guides.” If you don’t love them after 7 days, get a full refund with no questions asked. Save $254 NOW!