Facebook Training

Just how powerful is Facebook Training for Business as a social media marketing tool?

We all know that Facebook is the largest social media network on the planet by far and growing every day. It is also the most visited site on the Internet in the U.S., even more than Google. Pretty impressive stats! On top of that, lots of people check Facebook in the morning before they even brush their teeth and they keep up on their Facebook inbox more than email. So what does all this mean for Direct Sellers? Simply put, Facebook is one of the largest online marketing opportunities for your business.

Be sure not to miss the Facebook Messenger Marketing opportunities to create streams of brand-new 1-on-1 conversations automatically. Check out the introduction video now!

This Facebook Training curriculum will provide all you need to know to use Facebook to help you prospect and create streams of never-ending leads like a pro…as proven by other Direct Sellers just like you.


Facebook Logo

You can create a connection and dialogue with prospects anytime, from anywhere, that can lead to a professional and personal relationship for you and your business. Our clients have established relationships through Facebook that are not only important for their business, but some that have expanded into cherished friendships. The first point here is that online relationships are real on all levels for you and your business. Second, Facebook as the best one-on-one messaging capabilities that not only allow relationships to flourish, but to prospect at well.

Facebook has some very unique advantages, beyond having the highest concentration of your target prospects all in one place. The ability to create low-cost ad campaigns that target your niche are becoming foundational to creating the streams of never-ending leads to your business. Please see these CASE STUDIES as examples.

Facebook for business as a customer service and loyalty tool?

Once you have started out with our Facebook Training and start gaining new customers, you will find that it is also an incredible customer service and loyalty tool. You can lightly stay in touch and top of mind with prospects/customers/team members by forming lists to track their activity and making a comment or liking a status update, photo or video they’ve posted.  Or you can have intensive customer service and prospect programs through Facebook groups, and pages. It is one of the most inexpensive, efficient ways to stay connected with existing customers and new prospects alike – an important feeder for your business, and a means to keep in touch with the people who are or can become your greatest advocates!

Just remember that marketing on Facebook requires a lot of persistence and dedication. It is an ongoing activity that will stop its value back to you and your business when you stop working it! So set your goals to meet new prospects through Facebook, test out low cost ad campaigns, and give them time to mature. You’ll see your new business pipeline fill up and the rewards start to flow into your business. Start by reviewing the Facebook Training materials here in the University’s curriculum and you’ll see how easy it can actually be to find new leads for your business!

Also, please use the Getting Started Series as a means to see when and how we recommend working Facebook into your TOTAL social media marketing campaign efforts.